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For the best price on train tickets and absolutely no booking fees, plan and book your next journey with the LumoGo app. Find trains and tickets quickly, save and browse recent journeys, and keep tabs on your train in real time with our Live Trains feature. It’s the ideal travel companion from start to finish. You'll now see live disruption information on the homepage as well.
useful features on our app
plan your journey
Plan any UK rail journey
quickly and easily.
quickly and easily.
works with wallet apps
Add your e-ticket to either,
Google wallet or Apple wallet.
Google wallet or Apple wallet.
book train tickets
Book any UK train ticket,
with no booking fees.
with no booking fees.
track live trains
Check live travel updates
under the "live times" tab.
under the "live times" tab.
live disruption information
See the latest disruption information
on your app homepage
on your app homepage

LumoGo App FAQs
Simply log in and go to the 'My tickets' tab. Select your journey and then 'view my ticket'. You will then be able to view your e-ticket or add it to your wallet.
The LumoGo app is the quickest and easiest way to book your tickets. Simply look up your journey, select your preferred ticket type, and pay. It’s that easy! All your tickets will be stored in one place under the ‘My tickets’ tab, and you can also add them to your Google or Apple Wallet.
You can instantly view your e-tickets on the app. As soon as your booking is confirmed, open the 'My tickets' tab and select the ticket you would like to view.
The LumoGo app is the easiest way to stay updated on live travel and disruption information. All disruption updates are displayed on the homepage, while the “Live Times” tab provides the latest travel information relevant to your journey.